
Pure as water we were sent
Angel sent to teaches us well
Bestowed with a mind to feel
Power of will at ours to command

Growing up we start to see
All around what we want to be
What we want is said to be wrong
Always asked to do what we hate

Ignoring the power of mind we live
Commanding the will we spread spite
Following the path of crude we walk
Tearing the wings of our guardians we hail

Full of sins we are taken above
To a fire pit which awaits our fall
We make our tomorrow dark and daunting
But today we forget that we have a tomorrow

Humans we are, the superior race
Laughing at what’s that beneath our feet
Rude of what tomorrow awaits
Ignorant of the Lord, ruler of thee


Walking a lonely road,
Wishing what I use to have,
Wielding through life we used to laugh,
Without caring what other think,
Watching out each others back,
Winning hatred of everyone,
Wailing each others success,
Weeping in each others grief,
Washing away each other fears,
Wearing each other's strenghts,
Whining to each other about dim stuff,
Wanting nothing less but more care,
What I would give to have those days back,
Why cant I have my old friend back?
Waiting for an answer I stand alone,
And forever shall i stand till i get an answer.

Killing Me

Snatching my smiles you grin,
Shedding my tears you laugh,
Taking away my sleeps you yawn,
Haunting my dreams you sleep,
Smashing my hopes you dream,
Weakening my will you hope,
Feeding on my soul you roam,
Suffocating me you breath,
Killing me you are living.